- 122Show HN: I Built a Reddit-style Bluesky client – still rough, but open to ideas (threadsky.app)
- 4Show HN: Ovadare – resolving AI agent conflicts in multi-agent platforms (github.com)
- 6Show HN: Automate Expo QR Code Previews in GitHub PRs (torii.studio)
- 5Show HN: XSLT and graphical outline viewer for your sitemap.xml (sitemap.style)
- 77Show HN: Mapping the Unix Magic Poster – An Interactive Annotation Project (drio.github.io)
- 63Show HN: yknotify – Notify when YubiKey needs touch on macOS (github.com)
- 14Show HN: The news in the last 30, 14, 7, 3, or 1 days (ubershmekel.github.io)
- 2Show HN: oParse.com – Track what different AI models "think" about your brand (oparse.com)
- 16Show HN: Minforum, modern and minimalistic discussion software (minforum.org)
- 273Show HN: Game Bub – open-source FPGA retro emulation handheld (eli.lipsitz.net)
- 224Show HN: I made my own OS from scratch because I was bored (jotalea.com.ar)
- 53Show HN: Mikey – No bot meeting notetaker for Windows (github.com)
- 2Show HN: Send and Receive Voice Messages to ChatGPT on WhatsApp and Telegram (discusswithai.com)
- 118Show HN: Global 3D topography explorer (topography.jessekv.com)
- 3Show HN: Switch2Cursor – Smoothly Switch Between JetBrains IDEs and Cursor (github.com)
- 58Show HN: Skies-adsb 2.0 – my 3D plane-tracking web app (github.com)
- 2Show HN: Fastimer, runtime-agnostic timer traits and utils for Async Rust (docs.rs)
- 74Show HN: A no-build fullstack SSR TypeScript web framework (jsr.io)
- 11Show HN: I made a desk toy for people in long-distance relationships (theattentionbutton.in)
- 9Show HN: share Signal links on X without getting censored (link-in-a-box.vercel.app)
- 3Show HN: I developed a no code web scraper for effortless data extraction (scrapementor.com)
- 5Show HN: 6502 in pure Lua, no dependencies (github.com)
- 24Show HN: Steganographically encode messages with LLMs and Arithmetic Coding (github.com)
- 6Show HN: Logis – a searchable scientific log in your Git commit history (github.com)
- 11Show HN: Dockershrink – AI Assistant to reduce the size of Docker images (github.com)
- 20Show HN: Gemini Cursor – A Multimodal AI Cursor for Your Desktop (Open Source) (github.com)
- 23Show HN: Nstart, a Nostr's Onbarding Tool (start.njump.me)
- 2Show HN: Tech Brief – AI enhanced news reading (tech.brief.page)
- 18Show HN: Community Detection on Bluesky (blue.facts.dev)
- 26Show HN: A Valentine's Day experience for people who aren't celebrating (justanotherday.lol)