- 128Carnarvon's NASA satellite dish receives first signal in almost 40 years (abc.net.au)
- 39Laser Fault Injection on a Budget: RP2350 Edition (courk.cc)
- 737I created an open-source Hardware Hacking Wiki – with tutorials for beginners (hardbreak.wiki)
- 312Lambda Calculus in 383 Bytes (2022) (justine.lol)
- 229The Missing Nvidia GPU Glossary (modal.com)
- 174Ask HN: How can I realistically change careers? ()
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- 498Google’s OAuth login doesn’t protect against purchasing a failed startup domain (trufflesecurity.com)
- 6Show HN: Math Minigame (arithmetic-skinnerbox.lovable.app)
- 183Show HN: I made an open source directory of where to showoff your projects (github.com)
- 59Clojure core.async.flow (github.com)
- 6Bambu Lab displays creative conception of security in latest firmware update (hackaday.com)
- 7Notes from Ukraine (siliconcontinent.com)
- 142Show HN: Simplex: Automate browser workflows using code and natural language (simplex.sh)
- 115Show HN: Value likelihoods for OpenAI structured output (arena-ai.github.io)
- 412Home Loss File System (docs.google.com)
- 113How I built this website on a Raspberry Pi (mirawelner.com)
- 133Diffusion training from scratch on a micro-budget (github.com)
- 64Code reviews: A success story (blogsystem5.substack.com)
- 39Laser technique measures distances with nanometre precision (newscientist.com)
- 468Nevada court shuts down police use of federal loophole for civil forfeiture (ij.org)
- 204Show HN: WASM-powered codespaces for Python notebooks on GitHub (docs.marimo.io)
- 16TikTok says it is restoring service in US (reuters.com)
- 202Intel's Tofino P4 Software Is Now Open Source (p4.org)
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- 96Personalized voice recordings by Elwood "You've got mail!" Edwards (2024) (blog.jgc.org)
- 1035Canon wants us to pay for using our own camera as a webcam (romanzipp.com)
- 154Show HN: Pyper – Concurrent Python Made Simple (github.com)
- 80My 3D SWE Portfolio – Built with React Three Fiber (dement.dev)
- 9Cosine Similarity: Not the Silver Bullet We Thought It Was (shaped.ai)