- 69Reverse-engineering a carry-lookahead adder in the Pentium (righto.com)
- 77Trapped in the dark for 35 hours – Red Sea dive-boat survivors tell of escapes (bbc.com)
- 900FFmpeg by Example (ffmpegbyexample.com)
- 193Estimates of plant CO2 uptake rise by nearly one third (ornl.gov)
- 14Writing High Performance F# code (bartoszsypytkowski.com)
- 251Using ChatGPT is not bad for the environment (andymasley.substack.com)
- 167The Toyota Prius transformed the auto industry (spectrum.ieee.org)
- 228Lightcell: An engine that uses light to make electricity (lightcellenergy.com)
- 157Titans: Learning to Memorize at Test Time (arxiv.org)
- 86The Selma March (1965) (newyorker.com)
- 8A collection of reusable Terraform Modules (docs.cloudposse.com)
- 35More than half of U.S. counties have no or limited access to local news (2023) (medill.northwestern.edu)
- 34How I Got Here (pthorpe92.dev)
- 46Maze Generation: Recursive Division (2011) (weblog.jamisbuck.org)
- 3The Guide to AWS Lambda Cost Optimization (cloudyali.io)
- 312024 Medley Interlisp Annual Report (interlisp.org)
- 313Brood War Korean Translations (blog.sourcedive.net)
- 67Bambu Connect's Authentication X.509 Certificate and Private Key Extracted (hackaday.com)
- 36After Authenticity (2018) (subpixel.space)
- 31Webring (webring.xxiivv.com)
- 22What Roman Coins Reveal About the People Who Made Them (lithub.com)
- 19MicroPie is an ultra-lightweight Python web framework (patx.github.io)
- 8Designing for the web ought to mean making HTML and CSS (2019) (signalvnoise.com)
- 94What Every Hacker Should Know About TLB Invalidation [pdf] (grsecurity.net)
- 131Playful Drawings That Charles Darwin's Children Left on His Manuscripts (openculture.com)
- 127Skymont: Intel's E-Cores reach for the Sky (chipsandcheese.com)
- 53Portrait of the Hilbert Curve (2010) (corte.si)
- 778Nintendo announces the Switch 2 [video] (youtube.com)
- 3The testing pyramid is an outdated economic model (wiremock.io)
- 17AI Founder's Bitter Lesson. Chapter 2 – No Power (lukaspetersson.com)