- 128Hologram: A full-stack isomorphic Elixir web framework (hologram.page)
- 67Frustration Tolerance: An Essential for Surviving Large Orgs (leadingsapiens.com)
- 905FFmpeg by Example (ffmpegbyexample.com)
- 143Show HN: Compile C to Not Gates (github.com)
- 138Nation-scale Matrix deployments will fail using the community version of Synapse (mastodon.matrix.org)
- 193Estimates of plant CO2 uptake rise by nearly one third (ornl.gov)
- 4The color and color-patterns of moths and butterflies (1897) (publicdomainreview.org)
- 8Important Things in Life (Harlan Ellison, 1978) (harlanellison.com)
- 6r/DataHoarder: The White House Is Removing Everything (old.reddit.com)
- 9The AI Boom Is Giving Rise to "GPU-as-a-Service" (spectrum.ieee.org)
- 39Wildfires are erasing California's climate gains, research shows (2022) (news.uchicago.edu)
- 5TikTok owner asks Chinese staff in Singapore to pay taxes to Beijing (ft.com)
- 142WASM GC isn't ready for realtime graphics (dthompson.us)
- 44Creating wrappers for Windows exe files using Homebrew and Wine (flaky.build)
- 15Show HN: Zippd – Deploy static sites in seconds (OSS) (zippd.app)
- 158Titans: Learning to Memorize at Test Time (arxiv.org)
- 3I am a better therapist since I let go of therapeutic theory Essays (aeon.co)
- 54I deleted all of my email filters (coryd.dev)
- 77Trapped in the dark for 35 hours – Red Sea dive-boat survivors tell of escapes (bbc.com)
- 228Lightcell: An engine that uses light to make electricity (lightcellenergy.com)
- 123Reverse engineering my #1 Hacker News article (danielwirtz.com)
- 46The deeper under the Earth's surface, the more species you can find (arstechnica.com)
- 17The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Records Reveal How Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax (propublica.org)
- 252Using ChatGPT is not bad for the environment (andymasley.substack.com)
- 69Reverse-engineering a carry-lookahead adder in the Pentium (righto.com)
- 322024 Medley Interlisp Annual Report (interlisp.org)
- 167The Toyota Prius transformed the auto industry (spectrum.ieee.org)
- 21Net vs. Gross Salaries in Europe (euronews.com)
- 46Maze Generation: Recursive Division (2011) (weblog.jamisbuck.org)
- 94What Every Hacker Should Know About TLB Invalidation [pdf] (grsecurity.net)